Sunday 11 January 2009

Upper school

Ali, Iz and mike have been teaching the older children. There has been a struggle to incorporate relatively new teaching concepts and by 'new' I mean from the post Dickensian era. Generally accepted teaching methods here rely on rote learning of lists, plenty of copying and harsh discipline. We've tried to introduce something a bit more contemporary and seemingly the children love the lessons although frankly they are so hungry to learn, we could do almost anything and they'd be enthusiastic.
Sometimes the children, who come from the local village, shoeless but neatly combed, are clearly exhausted or with their minds on other things but we have found them extraordinarily committed.
We generally teach outside with a blackboard and taking resources with us. Their grasp of written English is good but because they are not taught phonics, they can only read words thy have already learnt. We are on a mission.
The journey to school is by auto rickshaw and we routinely pass a colourful assortment of construction workers, cows, children playing before school, unfeasibly large bundles of harvested hay being carried on women's heads...You really need to see the photos which will be uploaded shortly...Promise.
Ali and Iz are most able teaching assistants who, I trust, will be slightly more forgiving of their teachers now they appreciate what is involved!
We hope everyone is well and keeping your New Years resolutions.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a great experience, creative and rewarding. Rafi is with Safi & F? how long r u going to b there?
    lots of love
