Thursday 15 January 2009

Rafi's Photos.

My cricket friends outside our apartment.

A little light refreshment.

My best friend- the MooCow!

The goats I love to play with outside our apartment.
My first motorcycle ride with Neeraj (the laughing one) and Mum, I have to say I prefer the rickshaws!
Isaac giving me a piggy back ride; it's really funny when I pull his hair!

I'm not laughing- Safi has stolen my water scoop!

That's better! Bath time is more fun when I can pour water all over everyone!


  1. arrrrr Rafi u look so cool in your little bucket

    i miss you all so nuch
    lara parillon

  2. Hi me again ( this is an update for aliya)
    hi the weather over here is terrible. just like my spelling! lol well the form misses u loads!!! were r u wen we need u hay? its weird with out u. mr barham's hair line has moved like 2 inches! ummmm theres so much 2 tell u wow! we have got options comming up soon1 the form isnt much better at being quiet i have 2 say! my bus is not anyu better either. the other day when i got on there was a huge hole on the indo and it shatterd out to the ages, by the time i got of there was non window and i got cold :(
    i hope that all is well and keep bathing in ur orsam buckets!
    i miss u sooooooo much
    talk 2 u soon ilym
    lara parillon
