Thursday 25 December 2008

Delhi, India!

Hi everyone!
Aliya here (:
I have set up this blog so that we can keep in touch, and upload photos for everyone to see. Hopefully, we'll be all getting our own blogs as well, so you can hear from each of us personally, but we'll be posting all the photos on here.
Hope everyone is well, and merry Christmas! Hope to see from you all soon, and if you want to email us you can do so at Mum's email: (the remove this is so that computerbots that go onto webpages can't automagically send us emails).
Lots of love


  1. Hey Ali Bali!
    Love the blogger! It sounds like fun (from what I've heard on Skype!)! I really can't wait to see a whole load of other blogs posted by Isaac, Farhana, Mike, Safiya (with the help of your typing skills) and maybe..... Rafi?
    Well, I really hope that you have lots and lots of fun together, and I will be closely observing the 'Wandering Yules' day by day (pleeaaassseeee post a blog each day - and I mean every single one of you!! :D) to see how much fun - or boredom - you have experienced on your travels!
    Lots and lots of love and luck
    x o x o x o

  2. Shalom Shalom,
    This is Elad & Hila writing you from the small house in Havatzellet...
    Please add us to your (and your Mom's) mailing list:;;

    India is a CRAZY place as you probably experienced until insight I can share with you from my travels to India is - when you argue/bargen don't forget that 1 pound equels 70 Rupees, so sometimes it is just not worthwhile arguing from the start...

    Anyways, I am sure you will have an amazing time over there and keep us posted.

    Happy chanuka,
    Elad & Hila

  3. boo.
    tom and hazel checkin' yo travels.
    hows it hangin'? homies

    we're just chillin' in cornwall, watchin' some lord o' da rings, you kno how we do!! *snap!

    sign us up for dat emial mailing list tings. we wanna kno how Y'ALL do!!?!

    peace out. BO!! *SNAP


  4. Hi Ya,

    Hope you are all having too much fun whilst we are back here in England waiting for your arrival many years to come. I shall just have to cope at school without you. Keep sending the photos, they look really good, It just goes to show how much i am missing out on in the world!!!! Did you have a good christmas, or were you missing the bountiful snow that we had here in England.

    Anyway, Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!

